
  • サマーオープン2020(HILLOCK駒沢)

    ご意見・ご感想をぜひadmin@wonder-land.biz までお寄せください
  • 2020/July/27

    Today we had a good start for open Hillock week!
    In the morning after circle time we enjoyed water play!
    After lunch we had so much fun riding a roller coaster, and doing today’s activity; getting coins out of the ice cube! Great job! 
    初めはドキドキ、少し緊張の混じる表情でしたが、サークルタイムでは、聞き覚えのある歌(the wheels on the bus)や単語(summer clothsやbugsなど)ですぐに笑顔に変わりました。
    午後には、皆で一つのジェットコースに乗る事で、クラスメイトとfun timeを共有できました!
    Activity では、scienceとsencery を合わせたゲーム、氷の中からコインを溶かしてゲットする、をしました。これは夏を楽しむ、指先で溶けいく氷を感じる、温暖化での環境問題とリンクしています。オープンヒロックでは、5感をフルに活用し、英語で世界を知る、夏になります!


  • 2020/July/28

    Today we learned about toys: the way toys move, such as flying toys, floating toys, rolling and spinning toys.
    After that, we enjoyed making our own moving toys! Good job!
    また、個々の時間を過ごしたあとは、今日はクラス皆でフロリダのディズニーワールドへバーチャルで出かけ、一緒にFrozenのアトラクションにも乗りました。知ってるキャラクターを、お隣に座る今日初めて会うお友達と共有するのも、素晴らしいコミュニケーションです!Good job!


  • 2020/July/29

    Today the class looked at pirates in social studies, we learned different types of pirates, their ships and some famous pirates though history. Later on we made a pirate sailor and a pirate ship craft, which we used to play a pirate ship hunting game. At the park today students got to see a snake climbing a tree. Great day everyone.

  • 2020/July/30

    Today we had a good day doing expression class.
    We learned about tastes “sour, bitter, spicy, yummy and yucky!” And practiced expressing with our face!
    Everyone did a very good job especially when they pretended eating a lemon. After learning vocabularies about bugs, we went outside and found so many cicadas shells!!! Some could touch them for the first time in their life! Wonderful experience!

  • 2020/July/31

    Today we read a book “water” and learned about water: water can be rain, ice, snow, and can even be our salty tears!
    They all liked the book! And after that, we made our aquarium with small beads and fish.
    You will be surprised by how big the beads will be tomorrow morning!!We also played outside with water spray and bubbles.
    Great day!
    Here is our book recommendation for you to read:
    ISBN: 978-0-15-202348–5

  • 2020/Aug/3

    Today we had water play, some students also counted different objects they could find in the park. For art we made straws and bottle cleaner shapes and letters. Was a great day for everyone.


  • 2020/Aug/4

    Today we had a special entrance : “welcome to outer space “ and kids were very excited to go through the gate!! Outside: some enjoyed water play, others enjoyed scooping beads, and getting cicadas shells! After lunch we had STEM class. Today’s theme was programming. The kids learnt how to give commands(inputs) to a caterpillar toy so that it could reach a goal! Well done today everyone!

  • 2020/Aug/5

    Today we hunted for bugs in the park and coloured our pirate ships for our pirate cannons game. Later in the day we played ball tumble with plastic sheets and ping pong balls. Great work every one.

  • 2020/Aug/6

    Today we enjoyed picking flowers, touching bugs(cicada & praying mantis) and water play!
    After running around and getting so wet outside, we had a little chilling time with the lights off while we were watching the video about feelings. We were very very relaxed ( especially Aaron!!)
    lying on the floor and it was so nice learning about feelings! At last we made our pirates and we will play with those pirates and ships tomorrow! Wonderful day!
    今日は暑かったので、ランチ後にリラックスタイムを設けました。意外にもこの時間に観たビデオで聞いた英語が一番子供達の頭に入って行ってる気がしました^^ リラックスした気持ちで学ぶ、とても素敵な時間でした!

  • 2020/Aug/7

    Today we enjoyed water play and we all got so wet! After lunch we made stained glass frames with permanent markers to put on the windows! Everyone was having so much fun drawing and singing the rainbow song! At last we did throwing balls at our pirates on the ships! Great day, great week!